Let Bess Energize Your
Next Corporate Event
Bess Auer is a seasoned speaker whose presentations are inspiring, thought-provoking, educational, and entertaining. They’re supported with exclusive Unio-based content including numerous case studies and real-life examples of business leaders building extraordinary communities. Her presentations provide the tools, techniques, and information to transform intentional thought into action, leading to better corporate culture, business development, and the scaling of teams, fan bases, clientele, and communities of all sizes.
In addition to keynote speaking, Bess was the co-host of Blog Talk TV, a weekly television show airing nationally in all markets via Cox Media and regionally on-demand on Spectrum (formerly Bright House Networks). Blog Talk TV is an infotainment-style talk show which featured the biggest names in blogging and social media. Blog Talk TV was filmed on location at various spots around Florida and was produced by Concrete Lion Pictures.
And in partnership with Florida Swim Network, Bess was also a part of the on-camera commentating team for ESPN and the SEC Network for their broadcasts of collegiate swimming and diving for two seasons.
Connect more with Bess on her personal Instagram and TikTok accounts.
“Bess’s on-the-ground, real-world applications in community development are a powerful conduit between a community builder and audience. Her innate understanding of how and why people respond are what academics, like myself, spend years researching. Bess works in that world every day, demonstrating exactly how to do it.”
Typical Audiences:
C-suite officers, business owners, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs
Marketers, PR & communication pros, digital strategists
Managers, civic leaders, nonprofit organizers, team builders, project managers
Small groups, such as artists, bloggers, influencers, and more
Speaking Topics
All presentations are modified and tailored to best suit each individual event and client needs. If uncertain about which presentation you prefer, Bess’s signature presentation, Unio: The Art of Intentional Community Building, combines elements of all speaking topics. It’s the go-to presentation modeled after her best-selling book.
A former TV talk show and FM talk radio host, Bess speaks regularly on positive team building, effective marketing and digital strategy, and the power of storytelling.
All presentations are appropriate for micro and macro-community builders and are tailored to each audience, whether it is small business owners, nonprofits, corporate managers, marketers, entrepreneurs, or C-level executives.
Standard Presentations:
AI & the Rise of the Robots
Artificial intelligence is here, and Bess walks you through how to best utilize AI tools to make you more efficient in the workplace. She also introduces The Practical Use Guide for AI, which helps you maintain an AI life balance. She discusses the four guiding principles to remind you not to rely too much on AI but to keep perspective as robots become more entrenched in the workplace.
The Great AI Debate: Retrain or Replace Humans?
The question of whether corporations retrain or replace humans with AI will become one of the most pressing arguments of our time. Bess walks you through a 9-step corporate guide to determine whether to retrain or replace your human workforce, weighing your bottom line against the human line. Bess has developed a black-and-white formula companies can use to make decisions objectively. If the decision to replace humans is the final determination, avoiding PR disasters and displaying compassion and empathy must be the final part of your equation.
The Anatomy of a Community
Are you building a microcommunity, such as a corporate team, classroom, or community nonprofit? Or a million-member macrocommunity with a widespread fan base? Bess explains the anatomy of a community, including the 3 Tenets of Community and the “Community Think” of why people join a community and how these aspects are common to communities of all sizes. In addition, every community, no matter how big or small, has the same 5 types of members that either work for or against your community. You will walk away able to identify those member types and employ effective strategies to help each of them become happy, productive members of the team.
Timing, Technology & Taking Your Community to the Next Level
The success of any community depends on a combination of factors, starting with the timing and technology used. But unless you have clearly defined the “Why” of your community, your messaging will be lost no matter the timing or technology. Bess walks you through the importance of defining your “Why” by helping you take a fresh look at your mission statement, and how it is the essence of every decision made going forward. Once defined, your Why guides you through the timing of your messaging as well as the technology you use to reach your members. You will walk away with a better understanding of why your mission is key to scaling and sustaining a community.